UK Anime Network, UK Anime News, Reviews and Articles
Bryony Stibbons

Favourite Anime

The Girl Who Lept Through Time


Your Name

Lu Over the Wall

Journey To Agartha

Favourite Manga

My Boy



Bryony Stibbons

Toybox Editor

A life-long board game addict, but anime newbie, Bryony is gradually getting hooked!

The Girl Who Lept Through Time


Your Name

Lu Over the Wall

Journey To Agartha


Features, interviews and Special Events
Saying goodbye to The Pillows
by Ross Locksley

After 3 decades, rock band The Pillows have disbanded. They leave behind a rare legacy of effortless Japanese cool.
First Look: Übel Blatt
by Ross Locksley

A gory revenge fantasy based on the 2004 manga
First Look: Sakamoto Days
by Ross Locksley

Can a hitman ever retire?