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After School With Riina Senpai (Adult Content)

After School With Riina Senpai (Adult Content)

Written by Eoghan O'Connell on 26 Feb 2025

Distributor Irodori Comics • Author/Artist Amasora Taichi • Price $7.95

The title After School With Riina Senpai ~How My Mysterious Senpai Got Her Insatiable Appetite for Sex~, besides being really long, is actually quite deceptive as you would think the implication is that the main character is her kouhai since it describes the titular Riina as "My Mysterious Senpai". However, I was surprised to find that Riina herself is actually the main character! Now, having explained that, let's take a look at After School With Riina Senpai (I'm just going to call it that to save time).

Riina is a member of the school's Literature Club but notes how everyone else uses it as a time to hang around after school and do what they want, often passing the work onto her instead. However, things have changed in her life now that a kouhai of hers has confessed his love to her. She accepts him and he hangs out with her in the club after the other members have left, discussing the books they've read and what they'd recommend. However, they soon have the idea to begin fooling around, Riina considers this inevitable since they're "A guy and a girl, both attracted to each other and alone in a small space", starting out with some oral sex before escalating things from there.

It's a simple premise but it's one that can easily work for this type of story. However, it's worth noting that the plot is quite barebones, merely following Riina along as she discovers her sexual desire and tries things with her new boyfriend. I was hoping that we'd see some kind of conclusion to wrap things up but it ends with a tease for the audience and nothing more. Given that the plot is very basic and doesn't feature much that could be described as twists and turns, it means that the characters, sex scenes and art are going to have to carry this title.

With regards to characters, we only have two to really speak of, Riina and her kouhai. We're given access to Riina's inner monologue and it's kind of endearing to see her navigating her sexuality for the very first time. It's also worth noting that as nervous as she is, she proves to be surprisingly assertive when it comes to her relationship with one particular scene standing out to me where she suggests continuing where they left off the other day and, when the kouhai mentions that he doesn't have any condoms with him, she pulls out a pack she'd bought earlier, clearly planning for this. She does end up being perhaps a bit too sex-crazy overall which doesn't allow us to really get to know her beyond her desires but she's a fine character to be around. Her kouhai, who as far as I can tell doesn't have a name, has few moments to stand out. His confession is obviously the catalyst that triggers the rest of the story but most of his interactions are pretty forgettable with one exception towards the end.

Artwork from After School With Riina Senpai.

With regards to the artwork, it's mostly great. The character designs are attractive and cleanly drawn although some anatomical parts do seem excessively large (something which I'm sure I'll find standard as I cover more of these doujinshi). There is one section where a body part seemed oddly, dare I say poorly, drawn, which I found jarring and immersion breaking, but there's plenty of detail when it comes to the way the characters move, their bodily fluids and their expressions (Riina's reaction to the love confession resulted in a delightful face of shock). The backgrounds are also decently detailed, not being distracting and often melting away once their hormones take control. The paneling is also lovely, often having the images flow into one another while body parts stretch across the borders, almost as if the panels cannot limit the movement of their bodies. However, there were a few times where the panel was so zoomed in that it took me a moment to figure out what it was that I was looking at.

After School With Riina Senpai is ultimately a fine experience. The lack of plot and characterisation certainly hurt the title but the scenes themselves are well drawn save for a few panels and those looking for a simple vanilla title will find something to enjoy here.

After School With Riina Senpai's plot and characters are too simple and plain to be memorable but the artwork and situations do a lot to carry this title into being an enjoyable read.

Eoghan O'Connell
About Eoghan O'Connell

Going by the online persona Immortallium, I'm a YouTuber as well as a Manga, Anime and Video Game enthusiast.


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