A. H.
on 16 Feb 2016
The Internet tried to stop us, but it couldn't quieten our Anthem of the Heart... or any of our other discussions of the latest anime and hot news, for that matter.
A. H.
on 04 Feb 2016
Some might say we've had too many storms in the UK already this year, but here's another for us to ponder, as the latest Naruto game from Cyber Connect 2 blows into our isle.
A. H.
on 01 Feb 2016
For our first full podcast of the new year, we dig deep into the winter 2016 anime season to share our thoughts so far.
A. H.
on 28 Jan 2016
Miss Hokusai arrives in cinemas on Friday 5th February as part of the Japan Foundation Touring Film Programme, and we have an exclusive clip from this Keiichi Hara film.
A. H.
on 08 Jan 2016
Studio Khara's series of Japan Animator Expo shorts have returned for the month of January - we pick out our favourites that you absolutely must check out before they disappear.
A. H.
on 06 Jan 2016
We often talk about anime as good, bad or something in-between, but rarely do we get to talk about raw sales figures to show what is and isn't popular. Andy changes this by running a careful eye over 2015's anime sales numbers to offer up some interesting information.
A. H.
on 31 Dec 2015
The year is over, so what were our highlights and lowlights of 2015? Read on to find out all the nominees and winners for this year, including the champion of your very own Reader's Choice Award!
A. H.
on 23 Dec 2015
Yes, 2016 is all but upon us, so what anime will we be enjoying in the New Year? As always, we guide you through what's worth your time and what might be best avoided for the winter season.
A. H.
on 21 Dec 2015
We did the robot when our copy of the first half of Samurai Flamenco landed in the office. We can't help but feel that it might have been the wrong choice of celebratory dance...
A. H.
on 02 Dec 2015
If you need to get your fill of Full Metal Panic, then this Ultimate Edition has everything you need. We open up this hefty package to see what's contained within.
Alexander Smit
on 27 Nov 2015
The Wind Rises - Hayao Miyazaki's final feature-length film, and also his most controversial. Alexander Smit delves into what this movie has to say about its creator.
A. H.
on 21 Nov 2015
We lose our way with Omakase's Kill la Kill launch box from Viewster.
A. H.
on 18 Nov 2015
We're halfway through the autumn anime season, so Elliot and Andy rope in Dan Barnett to talk about the good and bad of the currently airing shows. Whether it's the heavily objectionable Heavy Object or the beauty of Beautiful Bones, we have it covered!
Ross Locksley
on 15 Nov 2015
Ross and James kapow and ker-splat their way through the Thought Bubble 2015 convention held at Leeds Royal Armouries.
A. H.
on 13 Nov 2015
This latest RPG derived from Reki Kawahara's popular has just hit the PlayStation 4 in its English language edition, and we fly into ALfheim Online to check it out.
Robert Frazer
on 02 Nov 2015
The UK Anime Network visits London to explore the British Museum's special exhibition "Manga Now: Three Generations".
A. H.
on 31 Oct 2015
The latest MCM London Comic Con is over, but it still lives on it our hearts - which is why Elliot and Andy summarily pour their hearts out to cover all of the announcements and detail all of their thoughts surrounding the event.
Hayley Scanlon
on 21 Oct 2015
With his second feature proving a big hit at London's Raindance Film Festival, we sat down to with director Akira Osaki talk about his career so far and latest project, Obon Brothers.
A. H.
on 20 Oct 2015
Elliot Page and Andy Hanley convene in front of a live audience at the Edinburgh Filmhouse to talk about the cornucopia of films on show at Scotland Loves Anime 2015.
A. H.
on 07 Oct 2015
No matter what trials and tribulations its titular character has gone through, surely nothing can match the bizarre adventure undertaken by this series to make it to the UK on DVD, and we check out this rather unusual release.